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*bigmap-compressed-layers*: bigmap-compressed-layerssource





bigmap: basicsource
type: type
drawing-flag: symbol
loading-flag: symbol
recording-flag: symbol
fill-flag: symbol
bigmap-index: uint32
bigmap-image: external-art-buffer
tpage: external-art-buffer
progress-minimap: texture-page
mask-index: uint32
bit-mask: bigmap-bit-mask
compressed-next-index: uint32
max-next-index: uint32
compressed-masks: pointer
compressed-data: uint32
layer-index: uint32
layer-mask: bigmap-layer-mask
compressed-layers: bigmap-compressed-layers
layer-mask-enable: uint32
load-index: uint32
x0: int32
y0: int32
x1: int32
y1: int32
y2: int32
goal-time: float
sprite-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
draw-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
adgif-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
offset: vector
size: float
scale: float
draw-offset: vector
draw-size: float
draw-scale: float
scroll: vector
pos: vector4w
color: vector4w
corner: vector
auto-save-icon-flag: symbol
initialize(obj: bigmap) => nonesource
update(obj: bigmap) => nonesource
bigmap-method-11(obj: bigmap, arg0: int, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int) => intsource
bigmap-method-12(obj: bigmap) => intsource
bigmap-method-13(obj: bigmap) => intsource
bigmap-method-14(obj: bigmap) => nonesource
bigmap-method-15(obj: bigmap) => intsource
dump-to-file(obj: bigmap) => file-streamsource
bigmap-method-17(obj: bigmap, arg0: vector) => intsource
bigmap-method-18(obj: bigmap) => intsource
bigmap-method-19(obj: bigmap) => intsource
bigmap-method-20(obj: bigmap) => intsource
bigmap-method-21(obj: bigmap, arg0: int, arg1: int) => intsource
bigmap-method-22(obj: bigmap, arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: pointer, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int, arg5: gs-psm) => nonesource
bigmap-method-23(obj: bigmap) => nonesource
bigmap-method-24(obj: bigmap, arg0: dma-buffer) => nonesource
bigmap-method-25(obj: bigmap, arg0: dma-buffer) => nonesource
bigmap-method-26(obj: bigmap, arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: int, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int) => nonesource
bigmap-method-27(obj: bigmap, arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: connection-minimap) => intsource


bigmap-bit-mask: structuresource
data: uint8


bigmap-compressed-layers: structuresource
data: pointer
layer0: pointer
layer1: pointer
layer2: pointer
layer3: pointer
layer4: pointer
layer5: pointer
layer6: pointer
layer7: pointer
layer8: pointer
layer9: pointer
layer10: pointer
layer11: pointer
layer12: pointer
layer13: pointer
layer14: pointer
layer15: pointer
layer16: pointer
layer17: pointer
layer18: pointer
layer19: pointer


bigmap-image: structuresource
clut-offset: uint32
image-offset: uint32
pad: uint32
data: uint8


bigmap-info: vectorsource
data: float
x: float
y: float
z: float
w: float
quad: uint128
scale: float
inv-scale: float


bigmap-info-array: structuresource
data: bigmap-info


bigmap-layer-mask: structuresource
data: uint8



*bigmap-info-array*: bigmap-info-arraysource





*bigmap*: bigmapsource


*circle-mask-1x1-meter*: arraysource


*circle-mask-2x2-meters*: arraysource


*image-mask-table*: pointersource


*map-save-ptr*: pointersource





birth-func-firework-color(arg0: sparticle-system, arg1: sparticle-cpuinfo, arg2: sprite-vec-data-3d, arg3: sparticle-launcher, arg4: sparticle-launch-state) => nonesource


check-pop-level-firework-green-userdata(arg0: sparticle-system, arg1: sparticle-cpuinfo, arg2: sparticle-launchinfo) => nonesource


check-pop-level-firework-red-userdata(arg0: sparticle-system, arg1: sparticle-cpuinfo, arg2: sparticle-launchinfo) => nonesource


check-pop-level-firework-userdata(arg0: sparticle-system, arg1: sparticle-cpuinfo, arg2: sparticle-launchinfo) => nonesource


draw-end-credits(arg0: level, arg1: float) => symbolsource


start-credits(arg0: process) => nonesource



gui-connection: connectionsource
next0: connectable
prev0: connectable
next1: connectable
prev1: connectable
param0: basic
param1: basic
param2: int32
param3: int32
quad: uint128
priority: float
action: gui-action
channel: gui-channel
anim-part: uint8
flags: gui-connection-flags
name: string
id: sound-id
handle: handle
time-stamp: time-frame
hold-time: time-frame
fo-min: int16
fo-max: int16
fo-curve: int8
fade: uint8
pad: uint8


gui-control: basicsource
type: type
engine: engine
update-time: time-frame
connections: gui-connection
spool-connections: gui-connection
ids: sound-id
times: time-frame
cmd: pair
add-process(obj: gui-control, arg0: process, arg1: gui-channel, arg2: gui-action, arg3: string, arg4: float, arg5: time-frame) => sound-idsource
remove-process(obj: gui-control, arg0: process, arg1: gui-channel) => nonesource
stop-str(obj: gui-control, arg0: gui-connection) => intsource
gui-control-method-12(obj: gui-control, arg0: process, arg1: gui-channel, arg2: gui-action, arg3: string, arg4: int, arg5: float, arg6: sound-id) => sound-idsource
update(obj: gui-control, arg0: symbol) => intsource
lookup-gui-connection-id(obj: gui-control, arg0: string, arg1: gui-channel, arg2: gui-action) => intsource
lookup-gui-connection(obj: gui-control, arg0: process, arg1: gui-channel, arg2: string, arg3: sound-id) => gui-connectionsource
set-action!(obj: gui-control, arg0: gui-action, arg1: sound-id, arg2: gui-channel, arg3: gui-action, arg4: string, arg5: function, arg6: process) => intsource
get-status(obj: gui-control, arg0: sound-id) => gui-statussource
gui-control-method-18(obj: gui-control, arg0: gui-channel) => symbolsource
handle-command-list(obj: gui-control, arg0: gui-channel, arg1: gui-connection) => symbolsource
set-falloff!(obj: gui-control, arg0: sound-id, arg1: symbol, arg2: int, arg3: int, arg4: int) => gui-connectionsource
gui-control-method-21(obj: gui-control, arg0: gui-connection, arg1: vector) => intsource
gui-control-method-22(obj: gui-control, arg0: gui-connection, arg1: process, arg2: symbol) => nonesource
handle-command(obj: gui-control, arg0: gui-channel, arg1: gui-channel, arg2: symbol, arg3: gui-connection) => symbolsource
channel-id-set!(obj: gui-control, arg0: gui-connection, arg1: sound-id) => intsource





activate-hud(arg0: target) => nonesource



*hud-skullgem*: pointersource


SKIP_MINIMAP_DRAW: unknownsource



hud: processsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id
hidden?(obj: hud) => symbolsource
draw(obj: hud-ashelin) => nonesource
update-values(obj: hud-ashelin) => nonesource
init-callback(obj: hud-ashelin) => nonesource
event-callback(obj: hud-turret-health, arg0: process, arg1: int, arg2: symbol, arg3: event-message-block) => symbolsource
hud-method-19(obj: hud) => nonesource
hud-method-20(obj: hud) => nonesource
hud-method-21(obj: hud) => nonesource
hud-method-22(obj: hud) => nonesource
hud-method-23: unknown
check-ready-and-maybe-show(obj: hud, arg0: symbol) => symbolsource
Is this element ready to be shown? If arg0 is set, show it now.
update-value-callback(obj: hud-skill, arg0: int, arg1: int) => nonesource
alloc-string-if-needed(obj: hud, arg0: int) => nonesource
hud-arriving: TODO
hud-hidden: TODO
hud-in: TODO
hud-leaving: TODO


hud-ashelin: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-big-score: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-box: structuresource
min: vector2
max: vector2
color: vector4w
draw-box-prim-only(obj: hud-box, arg0: dma-buffer) => nonesource
draw-box-alpha-1(obj: hud-box, arg0: dma-buffer) => nonesource
draw-box-alpha-2(obj: hud-box, arg0: dma-buffer) => nonesource
draw-box-alpha-3(obj: hud-box, arg0: dma-buffer) => nonesource
draw-scan-and-line(obj: hud-box, arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: float) => intsource
setup-scissor(obj: hud-box, arg0: dma-buffer) => nonesource
restore-scissor(obj: hud-box, arg0: dma-buffer) => nonesource


hud-cargo: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-citizen: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-cpanel: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-crimsonhover: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-dark-eco-pickup: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-dark-eco-symbol: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-dig-button: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-dig-clasp: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-goal: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-green-eco-pickup: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-gruntegg: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-gun: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-gunturret: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-health: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-heatmeter: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-helldog: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-homing-beacon: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-icon: basicsource
type: type
icon: pointer
pos: int32
scale-x: float
scale-y: float


hud-lurker: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-lurker-button: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-map: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-mech-air-tank: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-metalkor: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-miss: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-moneybag: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-pegasus: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-plasmite: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-predator: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-progress: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-race-final-stats: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-race-lap-counter: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-race-map: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-race-position: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-race-timer: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-race-turbo-counter: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-rocketsensor: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-ruffians: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-samos-old: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-samos-young: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-score: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-sig: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-skill: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-skullgem: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-sprite: structuresource
pos: vector4w
color: vector4w
color2: int32
flags: uint32
scale-x: float
scale-y: float
angle: float
tex: texture
draw(obj: hud-sprite, arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: level) => nonesource
hud-sprite-method-10: unknown


hud-squid: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-string: basicsource
type: type
text: string
scale: float
color: font-color
flags: font-flags
pos: int32


hud-timer: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-turret: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id


hud-value: basicsource
type: type
current: int32
target: int32
flags: uint16
counter: uint16


hud-widow: hudsource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
trigger-time: time-frame
last-hide-time: time-frame
offset: float
flags: hud-flags
values: hud-value
strings: hud-string
sprites: hud-sprite
icons: hud-icon
gui-id: sound-id



hud-sprite-work: structuresource
adgif-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
sprite-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
draw-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
box-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
box2-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
mask-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
line-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
scan-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
line-color: gs-rgbaq
scan-colors: vector4w
scanline: uint32



enable-hud() => nonesource


hide-hud(arg0: symbol) => nonesource


hide-hud-quick(arg0: symbol) => nonesource


hud-create-icon(arg0: hud, arg1: int, arg2: int) => pointersource


hud-hidden?() => symbolsource


hud-init-by-other() => objectsource


set-as-offset-from!(arg0: hud-sprite, arg1: vector4w, arg2: int, arg3: int) => nonesource


set-hud-piece-position!(arg0: hud-sprite, arg1: int, arg2: int) => nonesource


show-hud(arg0: object) => nonesource



*hud-sprite-work*: hud-sprite-worksource





connection-minimap: connection-perssource
next: connection-pers
key: object
update-time: time-frame
param: object
param-int32: int32
param-int64: int64
param-float: float
param-quat: uint128
handle: handle
position: object
alpha: float
class: minimap-class-node
flags: minimap-flag
node: uint16
edge-ry: float
last-world-pos: vector
last-relative-pos: vector


engine-minimap: engine-perssource
type: type
name: symbol
length: int16
allocated-length: int16
element-type: type
execute-time: time-frame
alive-list: connection-pers
dead-list: connection-pers
data: connection-pers
alive-list-override: connection-minimap
dead-list-override: connection-minimap


minimap: structuresource
draw-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
draw2-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
draw3-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
draw4-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
sprite-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
adgif-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
color: vector4w
offset: vector
minimap-corner: vector
last-name: string
last-tex: basic
target-inv-scale: float
map-bits: uint64
level: level
ctywide: level
inv-scale: float
fade: float
engine: engine-minimap
engine-key: uint32
trail: minimap-trail
race-tex: texture
race-scale: float
race-level: level
sprite2-tmpl: dma-gif-packet
race-corner: vector
goal-time: float
frustum-alpha: float
debug-draw(obj: minimap) => nonesource
get-trail-for-connection(obj: minimap, arg0: connection-minimap, arg1: symbol) => minimap-trailsource
Get a trail for connection. If arg1 is set, allow allocating a new one.
get-icon-draw-pos(obj: minimap, arg0: connection-minimap, arg1: minimap-trail, arg2: vector, arg3: float, arg4: vector) => symbolsource
Follow the path from the start until it reaches the border of the map, then get this position.
add-icon!(obj: minimap, arg0: process, arg1: uint, arg2: int, arg3: vector, arg4: int) => connection-minimapsource
Add an icon to the map!
free-trail-by-connection(obj: minimap, arg0: connection-minimap) => nonesource
Free the trail associated with this connection.
update-trails(obj: minimap) => nonesource
Main function to do trail search per-frame
draw-1(obj: minimap, arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: vector4w, arg2: symbol) => nonesource
draw-connection(obj: minimap, arg0: minimap-draw-work, arg1: connection-minimap) => nonesource
draw-frustum-1(obj: minimap, arg0: minimap-draw-work, arg1: connection-minimap) => nonesource
draw-frustum-2(obj: minimap, arg0: minimap-draw-work, arg1: connection-minimap) => nonesource
sub-draw-1-2(obj: minimap, arg0: minimap-draw-work) => nonesource
update!(obj: minimap) => symbolsource
sub-draw-1-1(obj: minimap, arg0: minimap-draw-work) => nonesource
set-color(obj: minimap, arg0: vector) => nonesource
draw-racer-2(obj: minimap, arg0: minimap-draw-work, arg1: connection-minimap) => nonesource
draw-sprite2(obj: minimap, arg0: dma-buffer, arg1: vector4w, arg2: symbol) => nonesource
set-race-texture(obj: minimap, arg0: texture, arg1: float, arg2: level) => nonesource
draw-racer-1(obj: minimap, arg0: minimap-draw-work, arg1: connection-minimap, arg2: float, arg3: float, arg4: float) => nonesource
set-race-corner(obj: minimap, arg0: float, arg1: float) => nonesource


minimap-class-node: structuresource
default-position: vector
flags: minimap-flag
class: minimap-class
name: basic
icon-xy: vector2ub
scale: float
color: rgba


minimap-draw-work: structuresource
buf: dma-buffer
justify-right: symbol
draw-pos: vector4w
mat: matrix
corner: vector


minimap-trail: structuresource
used-by: connection-minimap
search-id: uint32
node-count: int16
goal-node-id: int32
node-path-dist: float
last-updated: uint64
cached-info: trail-cached-search-info
node-id: uint16
get-distance-with-path(obj: minimap-trail, arg0: vector, arg1: vector) => floatsource
Assuming we go from a to b, using this path in the middle, how long is it?
reset(obj: minimap-trail) => nonesource





minimap-corner-array: structuresource
data: vector


minimap-texture-name-array: structuresource
data: string



lookup-minimap-texture-by-name(arg0: string, arg1: string, arg2: pointer) => texturesource



*minimap-class-list*: inline-arraysource


*minimap-corner-array*: minimap-corner-arraysource


*minimap-texture-name-array*: minimap-texture-name-arraysource


*minimap*: minimapsource





game-text: structuresource
id: text-id
text: string


game-text-info: basicsource
type: type
length: int32
language-id: int32
group-name: string
data: game-text
lookup-text!(obj: game-text-info, arg0: text-id, arg1: symbol) => stringsource



*common-text-heap*: kheapsource


*common-text*: game-text-infosource


*text-group-names*: arraysource



convert-korean-text(arg0: string) => stringsource
Converts the provided string of game-text into korean. Returns a string


disable-level-text-file-loading() => nonesource


draw-debug-text-box(arg0: font-context) => nonesource
Draws some lines


enable-level-text-file-loading() => nonesource


load-game-text-info(arg0: string, arg1: pointer, arg2: kheap) => intsource
Load text, if needed. txt-name is the group name, curr-text is the _symbol_ for
the game-text-info, and heap is the heap to load to. The heap will be cleared.


load-level-text-files(arg0: int) => nonesource
Load the text files needed for level idx.
This function made more sense back when text files were split up, but in the end they put everything
in a single text group and file.
print-game-text(arg0: string, arg1: font-context, arg2: symbol, arg3: int, arg4: bucket-id) => floatsource
Print text.
print-game-text-scaled(arg0: string, arg1: float, arg2: font-context, arg3: bucket-id) => nonesource
Print text, with a given scaling



*expand-buf-number*: intsource


*expanded-text-line0*: stringsource


*expanded-text-line1*: stringsource


*game-text-line*: stringsource


*game-text-word*: stringsource


*level-text-file-load-flag*: symbolsource


const text-is-loading: symbolsource