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ai-task: basicsource
type: type
next: ai-task
prev: ai-task
pool: ai-task-pool
unique-id: uint32
bytes: int8
reset-task!(obj: asht-wait-spot) => nonesource
ai-task-method-10(obj: asht-fight-focus, arg0: bot) => nonesource
ai-task-method-11(obj: asht-wait-spot, arg0: bot) => nonesource


ai-task-control: basicsource
type: type
anchor: ai-task
pool: ai-task-pool
ai-task-control-method-9(obj: ai-task-control) => nonesource
ai-task-control-method-10(obj: ai-task-control, arg0: bot) => nonesource
get-task-by-type(obj: ai-task-control, arg0: type, arg1: bot) => ai-tasksource
ai-task-control-method-12(obj: ai-task-control, arg0: bot) => symbolsource
ai-task-control-method-13(obj: ai-task-control, arg0: ai-task, arg1: bot) => ai-tasksource
ai-task-control-method-14(obj: ai-task-control, arg0: ai-task, arg1: bot) => nonesource
init-task!(obj: ai-task-control, arg0: type, arg1: bot) => ai-tasksource
Initialize a task of the given type in the ai-task-control pool.
set-next-task-for-pool!(obj: ai-task-control, arg0: ai-task) => nonesource
set-next-task!(obj: ai-task-control, arg0: ai-task) => nonesource
Set `next` of this ai-task-control `anchor` to the given [[ai-task]].


ai-task-pool: basicsource
type: type
anchor: ai-task
tasks: pointer
tasks-length: uint32
unique-id: uint32
assign-ids!(obj: ai-task-pool, arg0: type) => ai-tasksource
Assign unique IDs to the ai-task-pool and its `anchor`s `next`
set-next-task!(obj: ai-task-pool, arg0: ai-task) => nonesource
Set the next task in the ai-task-pool to the specified [[ai-task]].
ai-task-pool-method-11(obj: ai-task-pool) => ai-tasksource



bot: nav-enemysource
type: type
name: string
mask: process-mask
clock: clock
parent: pointer
brother: pointer
child: pointer
ppointer: pointer
self: process-tree
pool: dead-pool
status: symbol
pid: int32
main-thread: cpu-thread
top-thread: cpu-thread
entity: entity-actor
level: level
state: state
next-state: state
trans-hook: function
post-hook: function
event-hook: function
allocated-length: int32
pad-unknown-0: uint32
heap-base: pointer
heap-top: pointer
heap-cur: pointer
stack-frame-top: stack-frame
connection-list: connectable
stack: uint8
root: trsqv
node-list: cspace-array
draw: draw-control
skel: joint-control
nav: nav-control
align: align-control
path: path-control
vol: vol-control
fact: fact-info
link: actor-link-info
part: sparticle-launch-control
water: water-control
sound: ambient-sound
carry: carry-info
rbody: rigid-body-control
state-flags: state-flags
state-time: time-frame
root-override: collide-shape
focus-status: focus-status
root-override2: collide-shape-moving
fact-info-override: fact-info-enemy
enemy-flags: enemy-flag
enemy-info: enemy-info
hit-points: int32
gnd-collide: uint32
attack-id: uint32
persistent-attack-id: uint32
water-max-height: meters
water-surface-height: meters
desired-angle: degrees
jump-why: uint64
penetrated-by-all: penetrate
penetrated-flinch: penetrate
penetrated-knocked: penetrate
reaction-time: time-frame
notice-time: time-frame
state-timeout: time-frame
auto-reset-penetrate-time: time-frame
hit-focus-time: time-frame
last-draw-time: time-frame
starting-time: time-frame
fated-time: time-frame
focus-pos: vector
event-param-point: vector
jump-dest: vector
focus: enemy-focus
incoming: enemy-attack-info
actor-group: pointer
actor-group-count: int32
neck: joint-mod
on-notice: symbol
on-active: symbol
on-hostile: symbol
on-death: symbol
idle-anim-player: idle-control
rand-gen: symbol
enemy-info-override: nav-enemy-info
frustration-point: vector
move-dest: vector
frustration-time: time-frame
blocked-start-time: time-frame
restore-nav-radius-time: time-frame
nav-radius-backup: float
bot-flags: bot-flags
min-speed: float
max-speed: float
follow-offset: float
too-far-warn-dist: float
too-far-fail-dist-delta: float
too-far-warn-dist-default: float
too-far-fail-dist-delta-default: float
travel-prev-ry: float
travel-prev-ry1: float
player-blocking: float
ai-ctrl: ai-task-control
course: bot-course
waypoint: bot-waypoint
waypoint-bits: uint32
waypoint-int32a: int32
bot-task-bits: uint32
hit-invuln-ignore-me-delay: uint32
hit-invuln-focus-disable-delay: uint32
warn-to-fail-timeout: uint32
warn-min-delay: uint32
warn-max-delay: uint32
spot-color: uint32
waypoint-request: int16
hit-by-enemy-count: uint16
hit-by-player-count: uint16
notice-enemy-dist: float
channel: uint8
focus-mode: int8
nav-mesh-index: int8
delay-too-far-check: int8
slave-id: int8
vehicle-seat-index: int8
bot-health-index: int8
task: game-task-control
swivel-joint-mod: joint-mod
health-handle: handle
poi-handle: handle
my-simple-focus: pointer
attacker-handle: handle
scene-player-handle: handle
master-handle: handle
vehicle-handle: handle
hit-invuln-starting-time: time-frame
danger-time: time-frame
attacker-time: time-frame
started-warning-time: time-frame
waypoint-time0: time-frame
next-too-far-warn-time: time-frame
spot: bot-spot
follow-dir: vector
focus-info: bot-focus-info
failed: unknown
hidden: unknown
clear-poi-and-focus!(obj: bot) => nonesource
Clear our point of interest and focus handles.
bot-method-181(obj: bot, arg0: vector, arg1: vector, arg2: vector, arg3: vector, arg4: vector, arg5: float) => nonesource
turn-to-target(obj: bot, turn-info: bot-turn-info, proc: process-focusable, arg3: float) => nonesource
alive?(obj: ashelin) => symbolsource
bot-debug-draw-spot-id(obj: bot) => nonesource
bot-debug-draw-sphere(obj: bot, arg0: vector, arg1: rgba) => nonesource
bot-debug-draw-spot-sphere(obj: bot, arg0: int, arg1: pointer, arg2: int) => nonesource
reset-attacker!(obj: bot) => nonesource
scene-release?(obj: bot) => symbolsource
select-focus!(obj: bot) => processsource
Find enemies around our `notice-enemy-dist` and choose a target.
bot-method-190(obj: crocadog-escort) => symbolsource
bot-method-191(obj: bot) => nonesource
bot-method-192(obj: bot) => nonesource
bot-method-193(obj: ashelin) => symbolsource
outside-spot-radius?(obj: bot, spot: bot-spot, bot-trans: vector, arg3: symbol) => symbolsource
Are we outside of the given bot-spot radius?
attacked-by-player?(obj: bot, fproc: process-focusable) => symbolsource
Were we attacked by the player?
bot-method-196(obj: bot) => nonesource
fail-mission!(obj: bot) => nonesource
set-cam-height!(obj: sig, arg0: vector) => meterssource
cam-move-to-bot(obj: bot) => nonesource
fail-falling(obj: bot) => nonesource
set-next-focus!(obj: bot, enemy: enemy, arg2: enemy-best-focus) => nonesource
choose-spot(obj: bot, num-spots: int, spot-indices: pointer) => intsource
Choose the closest bot-spot that is not blocked by the player.
play-attacked-speech(obj: ashelin) => nonesource
play-too-far-warn-speech(obj: hal-escort) => symbolsource
scene-play(obj: bot, scene: string, grab?: symbol) => symbolsource
Spawn a scene-player process for the given scene.
play-speech(obj: ashelin, arg0: int) => nonesource
play-death-sound(obj: bot, sound: string) => nonesource
Play one of our death sounds.
bot-method-208(obj: bot) => symbolsource
channel-active?(obj: bot, channel: uint) => symbolsource
Is the given gui-channel active?
init!(obj: crocadog-escort) => nonesource
Set defaults for various fields.
clear-speech-flags!(obj: bot) => nonesource
Clear the `playing` flag for all of our speeches.
reset-warn-time!(obj: bot) => nonesource
go-to-waypoint!(obj: sig, arg0: int, arg1: symbol) => objectsource
Start moving to the given [[bot-waypoint]].
bot-method-214(obj: crocadog-escort) => symbolsource
skip-waypoint(obj: bot) => nonesource
bot-method-216(obj: ashelin) => nonesource
speech-ended?(obj: bot, idx: int) => symbolsource
Is the given speech active?
speech-playing?(obj: bot, idx: int) => symbolsource
Is the given speech playing?
player-blocking-spot?(obj: bot, spot: bot-spot) => symbolsource
stop-speech(obj: bot, channel: uint, arg1: symbol) => nonesource
bot-method-221(obj: bot) => quaternionsource
bot-method-222(obj: bot, arg0: vector) => nonesource
bot-method-223(obj: bot, arg0: symbol) => nonesource
bot-check-too-far(obj: bot) => symbolsource
Call the current bot-waypoint `check-too-far` function if available, otherwise use the default `course` one.
If the player is too far, play a warning speech.


bot-course: basicsource
type: type
course-id: uint8
speech-count: uint16
spot-count: uint16
retry-cookie: uint8
too-far-warn-speeches: bot-speech-list-shuffle
too-far-fail-speeches: bot-speech-list
attack-player-speeches: bot-speech-list
default-check-too-far: symbol
waypoints: array
speeches: inline-array
speech-tunings: inline-array
dirs: inline-array
spots: inline-array


bot-course-table: basicsource
type: type
course: bot-course


bot-focus-info: structuresource
max-los-dist: float
fproc: process-focusable
bullseye-xz-dist: float
ry-diff: float
my-facing-ry: float
bullseye-ry: float
los: int8
update-time: time-frame
bullseye: vector
pos: vector
my-facing-xz-dir: vector
bullseye-xz-dir: vector


bot-speech-info: structuresource
flags: speech-flags
hold-time: uint16
slave-id: int8
tuning-id: int8
name: string


bot-speech-list: basicsource
type: type
flags: uint8
retry-cookie: uint8
last-local-index: int16
speech-indexes: array
bot-speech-list-method-9(sp-list: bot-speech-list, bot: bot, sp-info: inline-array, arg3: speech-flags) => intsource
reset-index(obj: bot-speech-list, arg0: symbol) => nonesource


bot-speech-list-shuffle: bot-speech-listsource
type: type
flags: uint8
retry-cookie: uint8
last-local-index: int16
speech-indexes: array
history-mask: uint64
history-mask-full: uint64


bot-speech-tuning: structuresource
fo-min: int32
fo-max: int32
fo-curve: int8
trans?: symbol


bot-spot: structuresource
center: vector
center-x: float
center-y: float
center-z: float
inside-xz-dist: float
blocked-xz-dist: float


bot-turn-info: structuresource
facing-ry: float
targ-ry: float
ry-diff: float
predicted-ry-diff: float
predicted-targ-ry: float
facing-dir: vector
targ-pos: vector
predicted-targ-pos: vector
src-quat: quaternion


bot-waypoint: basicsource
type: type
waypoint-id: int16
nav-mesh-index: int8
skip-to: int8
on-set: function
on-update: function
on-skipping-here: function
check-too-far: symbol
warn-dist: float
fail-dist-delta: float



*bot-course-table*: bot-course-tablesource


*bot-task-pool*: ai-task-poolsource



bot-check-too-far-always-okay() => nonesource


bot-simple-check-too-far(arg0: bot) => intsource